In January 2018, the documentary "Innovative China" premiered on CCTV Documentary Channel. It is reported that the film focuses on the most cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs and the latest technological hotspots, focusing on cutting-edge fields such as information technology, new energy, Chinese manufacturing, life sciences, aerospace and ocean exploration. It took a year to record the great innovation experiments in China with vivid stories.
In mid-September 2017, Suntrans Zhikong was interviewed by the film crew of "Innovation China" because of its participation in the construction of the intelligent energy management system of Tencent's Guangzhou TIT Creative Park, and became a microcosm of China's innovative enterprises. At the interview site, Luo Yabo, general manager of Suntrans Zhikong, and Zhu Qingjin, deputy general manager, told Suntrans Zhikong that in the changing times, the company expects Chinese manufacturing to be respected in the world, and has adhered to the road of innovation for more than 20 years.
Measurement, protection, control, communication, programmability... Because of these functions, we can set up any DIY life, work, and management mode that we want. Just tap the touch screen or mouse, and we can use mobile communication devices such as mobile phones. or computer equipment for control.
Today, all kinds of buildings in which we work and live are like bodies, and the circuits under the wall are like the "muscles" in this huge building, providing electrical energy for each end use. Controlling and mastering these circuits, allowing data to run errands, making faults speak, making energy adjustable, and predicting dangers are the characteristics and strengths of Suntrans Intelligent Control products and systems.